Become a Member
Of the Cooperative
Allegheny Grass-Fed Cooperative -
Beef Production Protocols
(Rules for our Farmer-Members)
We have high standards for our 100% Grass Fed Naturally Raised Beef.
Be certified by the Allegheny Grass-Fed Cooperative (upon application for membership with AGFC, a certification process will be completed before membership is approved and will occur annually thereafter).
Have a Conservation Management Plan on file with NRCS, including:
Environmental Stewardship Practices for improvement and preservation of soil and water quality
A written pasture management and grazing plan that supports biological diversity, natural resources and soil health.
Use an approved Bill of Lading, signed affidavit form. At the time of shipment of live animals to the processor, the producer will complete an approved bill of lading form outlining producer name, birth date, information of former owner (if applicable), date of shipment, ear tag number, age, estimated weight, and breed.
Ownership Transfer Form: Producers must provide to AGFC a copy of an Ownership Transfer Form on any animal marketed through AGFC which was purchased from another producer. Producers must also keep a signed ownership transfer form on hand for at least one year following live sale to AGFC.
Cattle must be traceable from farm of birth through time of harvest. Verified by producer affidavit with identification and age information. (as indicated in the Bill of Lading for each animal.)
Co-op members need to have ownership of an animal for at least one year. An exception is if one member transfers an animal raised by this protocol to another; with the total member holding of that animal at least one year.
Cattle older than 30 months of age at the time of slaughter (as verified by birth records or as determined by the inspector) are allowed, but may be determined to have higher processing costs or lower meat quality and therefore bring a lower price.
Bull calves must be castrated before one year of age.
No dairy breeds or dairy crossed cattle are allowed.
Animals must be fed grass (forage) 100% after being weaned from their mother’s milk.
Animals must be raised and finished on pasture and forages with no grain.
Pasture forages can include perennial grasses (cool or warm season grasses), legumes (alfalfa, clovers, etc.) and broadleaf forages (chicory, naturally occurring ‘weeds’ in pastures).
Grazed forages may include summer and winter annuals such as brassicas, vegetative small grains, sorghum and grazing corn.
Seed must not be developed when grazed.
No GMOs may be planted or fed to animals.
Any of the above perennial or annual forages may be fed as stored hay, haylage or silage.
Health Supplements. Animals may be given the following products as supplements:
Non-grain based mineral and vitamin blocks or granular products.
Garlic pellets.
Molasses not containing urea or wheat binders.
Flax seed or flax seed meal.
Prohibited from the diet are:
Grains and oilseeds (with the exception of flax).
Conventional corn silage.
Any genetically modified organism (GMO).
Animal and fish by-products.
Antibiotics for growth promotion.
Implants, hormones for growth promotion.
No added hormones/steroids fed, oral, or injected are permitted.
No implants are permitted.
Access to/intake of fresh pasture requirement: a minimum of 30% of total annual dry matter intake from pasture and a minimum of 150 days on pasture
Grazing will be managed to optimize the health and productivity of the land and the animals. Management-intensive rotational grazing is strongly encouraged.
All veterinary treatments must be documented for each animal and records must be available for inspection. Producers will develop and maintain clear and specific written records of all vaccinations, medications and/or other substances used in their animal health care program.
Must include the following information:
Name of medical and/or veterinary product.
Identity of livestock treated.
Reason for treating livestock.
Start and finish date of treatment.
Mortalities, morbidity, and culls, including the cause when known.
No ionophores are permitted except as used as a coccidiostat for parasite control.
All treated animals must have identification recorded with records of treatment. No therapeutic or sub-therapeutic use of antibiotics is permitted for grass-fed status. Animals must be treated when ill. If antibiotics are used, however, that animal cannot be marketed through the grass-fed program. An animal that has been treated may be kept with other animals that do qualify for the program as long as they can be tracked by their identification.
Animals treated with any medication must not be slaughtered until at least thirty (30) days, or an alternative withdrawal period as directed by a veterinarian, whichever is greater.
Vaccination of young animals is highly recommended for preventative disease and an important part of the health program.
Vaccinations approved for clostridia diseases include a 7-way or 8-way clostridia vaccine for calves.
Booster as directed on label.
Synthetic chemical wormers and fly treatment are allowed if the withholding period is 90 days before slaughter, or a period as directed by the product label.
Humane handling procedures will be used throughout the life of the animal.
Both the producer and processor will use humane handling procedures that foster calmness during loading, trucking and slaughter.
Producers are encouraged to educate themselves and practice good stockmanship through the teaching of Bud Williams, Steve Coty, Temple Grandin, and others.
Animals more than 30 months of age will be paid cull cow price unless inspector determines they are finished in accordance with the Allegheny Grass-Fed Cooperative marketing program.
Slaughter animals may be subject to visual inspection for finish by an AGFC Board of Directors member or employee. The AGFC reserves the right to refuse entry of an animal into the grass-fed marketing program if it is not appropriately finished.
Members will certify with an AGFC shipping affidavit that they have followed these protocols. (A Standard Form will be provided.)
The AGFC may engage in a peer inspection program through which members will monitor each other for compliance with AGFC standards.
The AGFC may institute a third-party certification or inspection process.
Should an animal be condemned, please see the AGFC transfer of ownership/condemnation procedure. (Product Acceptance Policy) (the procedure and form to document this will be provided.)
Cattle must be Quality Grade Select Plus, Choice, or Prime.
Cattle should exhibit beef-type conformance with at least slightly thick muscling.
No Standard or Dark Cutter Carcass will be allowed.
Processing must be in USDA inspected processing and packaging facilities.
Animals at Slaughter Specifications are to have a quality standard based on ultrasound or condition.
Last Revision: 4/26/2022
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